Fishing boat encounters engine explosion off Bajo de Masinloc

Fishing boat encounters engine explosion off Bajo de Masinloc

FILIPINO fishing boat (FFB) “Akio” has encountered an engine explosion at 17 nautical miles southwest of Bajo de Masinloc (BDM), yesterday, 29 June 2024.

Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Commandant, CG Admiral Ronnie Gil L Gavan, immediately instructed BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407), currently patrolling at BDM, to provide medical assistance to two of eight fishermen of the half-submerged fishing boat who were injured.

Coast Guard nurses assessed the condition and provided first aid to two fishermen who suffered second degree burns.

The eight rescued fishermen were also given food and drinking water while on board.

PCG Spokesperson, CG Rear Admiral Armando Balilo, shared BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407) is currently towing the half-submerged fishing boat and expects to arrive in Subic, Zambales, at around 9AM tomorrow, 01 July 2024.

“During the operation, our vessel received radio challenges, as well as encountered shadowing and initial blocking by China Coast Guard (CCG) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy ships,” CG Rear Admiral Balilo added.

“The CCG and PLA Navy vessels stopped shadowing our ship when they were informed by the Angel of the Sea on board about the humanitarian mission,” he furthered.

The CCG also launched two rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) and offered to help the eight fishermen of FFB “Akio.”

“In times of emergencies, the safety of life should always be our priority. The PCG and CCG communicated in a diplomatic manner and set aside issues on sovereignty, in the spirit of humanitarianism,” the Coast Guard Spokesperson furthered.

“The swift rescue operation proves the significance of our constant presence at BDM,” CG Admiral Gavan said.

“We will not elevate tension, but we will remain firm on our mission to ensure the safety of lives at sea. Rest assured that Coast Guardians will continue to protect, look after, and take good care of the welfare of our fishermen no matter what, the Coast Guard way,” he expressed.


Editor’s Note: This article has been sourced from the Philippine Coast Guard Facebook Page.

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