Millionaire’s death not an accident

Millionaire’s death not an accident

THAILAND’S Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for former Deputy Commerce Minister Banyin Tangpakorn who was found guilty of murdering construction tycoon Chuwong Saetang.

The case dates back nine years ago when the 50-year-old tycoon died in a car crash on June 26, 2015.

On that fateful day, Banyin was driving a black car with Chuwong seated beside him, when all of a sudden the vehicle crashed into a roadside tree.

The tycoon died from the impact while the former minister survived the deadly encounter unscathed.

A week after the crash, the tycoon’s 300 million baht in shares were transferred to Banyin and his close aide using falsified documents.

A police investigation ruled that the crash was not an accident, with the evidence showing it as intentionally staged by the former minister and his accomplices, making it a case of premeditated murder.

The tycoon’s widow filed a case against the 59-year-old former minister for premeditated murder and for concealing a crime.


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