Palestinians return to ruined Khan Younis after Israeli withdrawal

Palestinians return to ruined Khan Younis after Israeli withdrawal

ISRAELI forces have withdrawn to Khan Younis, which allowed Palestinians to go back to what was left of their homes.

This is what was left of Khan Younis in the Southern Gaza strip. What was once home to nearly four hundred thousand people is now completely destroyed and in ruins.

The residents are now facing the grim reality of returning to a city devastated by conflict.

After the withdrawal of Israeli forces, Palestinians returned to their destroyed homes, and the once-bustling streets now resemble scenes of desolation.

Since the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the area, civil defense workers have been tirelessly clearing debris from roads, while the grim task of recovering the remains of those lost in the war dreadfully continues.

The downtown area, once a symbol of prosperity, now stands as a haunting reminder of the heavy toll inflicted by months of intense fighting.

Returning residents are confronted with the harsh aftermath of their situation as they sift through the rubble, searching for any salvageable remnants of their former lives.

“I checked my home and the home of my relatives, but I couldn’t find any suitable place to live. Everything here is in ruins. I was shocked by what I saw. Now I can only go back to the temporary tent built by the sea,” Ballbach, Khan Younis Resident said.

“Upon arriving at home, I rushed to check my house and found that not only the house was destroyed, but also the trees surrounding the house. My home is no longer there, and we have even lost the hope of reconstruction. Khan Younis has now become a pile of rubbles and even the trees are dead,” Chakla, Khan Younis Resident said.

With little left intact, many are forced to seek refuge in makeshift shelters, their homes reduced to nothing more than memories.

Despite the challenges they face, the residents have no choice but to remain in the city, wary of the looming threat of Israeli attacks on Rafah.


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