US gains unrestricted access to PNG defense facilities

US gains unrestricted access to PNG defense facilities

PAPUA New Guinea and Washington signed a 15-year agreement allowing US troops to use the island nation’s defense agreement.

The defense agreement has been made public for the first time since it was signed last month.

The deal was mutual but was still criticized by local observers and lawmakers as they raised concerns about its outcomes.

The Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) grants US troops “unimpeded access” to the island nation’s defense facilities including the Lombrum Naval base, the Port Moresby Seaport, and airports as well as surveillance, reconnaissance activities, bunkering of vessels, and the staging and deploying of forces.

It also grants US authorities the “exclusive right to exercise criminal jurisdiction over US personnel.”

The agreement was signed at a time of heightened rivalry between the US and China as both superpowers race to establish influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

Papua New Guinea was hoping to sign defense and surveillance agreements with US President Joe Biden last month before Washington decided to cancel his visit to the island nation and his participation in what was supposed to be the first-ever Quad Summit in Australia.

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