CGSBPF underwent Close Quarter Battle (CQB) training in Pasay City

CGSBPF underwent Close Quarter Battle (CQB) training in Pasay City

THE Coast Guard Security and Border Protection Force (CGSBPF) underwent Close Quarter Battle (CQB) training in Pasay City from 17 April to 01 May 2024.

Facilitated by the Philippine National Police Aviation Security Group (PNP AVSEGROUP) – Special Operations Unit, the capacity-building initiative equipped Coast Guard personnel with tactical skills and strategies in response to the constantly changing landscape of security threats.

The CGSBPF said the training elevated their operational readiness in close range engagements, specifically when boarding vessels amid maritime threats through scenario-based simulations.

“[Our] personnel developed proficiency in close quarter combat techniques, pistol and riffle fundamentals and skills, room clearing and building entry tactics, weapon handling and manipulation in confined spaces, team coordination and communication under stress, and decision-making in high-pressure situations,” CGSBPF expressed.

“Furthermore, this training equipped [our] personnel with enhanced skills, confidence, and readiness to face the challenges in performing their mandated functions in line with the forthcoming activation of CGSBPF Special Reaction Unit,” the Force added.


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