KJC ministers re-sanctify religious compounds after desecration by SAF-PNP forces, emphasize forgiveness and prayer

KJC ministers re-sanctify religious compounds after desecration by SAF-PNP forces, emphasize forgiveness and prayer

IN the wake of a tragic and deeply disturbing incident, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KJC) ministers and missionaries are engaged in extensive re-sanctification efforts following the desecration of their sacred grounds by SAF-PNP forces. On June 10, 2024, these forces violated the sanctity of KJC’s sacred places, including urinating and spitting on the holy grounds during their siege and arrest warrant service.

Atty. Dinah Tolentino-Fuentes, during a press conference on January 15, 2024, highlighted the gravity of the situation:

“The places that were attacked were all sacred places… and they need to reconsecrate all the grounds. Can you imagine the horror to their collective psyche when the policemen would urinate on the gates, on the fences of their sacred ground? The damage to their collective psyche is very, very great.”

Alberto Lavandera echoed this sentiment, stating in Cebuano, “Ang kabalaan sa dapit, ilang gibalahura. Dili mi musugot ana,” which translates to, “The sanctity of the place was desecrated. We do not accept this.”

Sis. Eleanor Cardona, KOJC Executive Secretary, added, “These grounds are sacred grounds, it is the house of God, where prayers are always offered. Look at that place, it has been restored, heavenly-like. That atmosphere was broken, it was shattered.”

Today, June 17, 2024, marks a week since that harrowing day, and the KJC community is dedicated to re-sanctifying their holy places. The ceremony aims to reclaim and restore these lands to their original holiness and purity.

The re-sanctification efforts involve cleansing the sacred grounds from any defilement, with ministers and missionaries meticulously applying blessed oil and engaging in prayer and worship. The KOJC Compound witnessed rain pouring down, symbolizing the cleansing and purification of the polluted grounds, built by the sacrifices of every faithful member, beginning with the Appointed Son, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

Each Kingdom Citizen, full-time missionary, and Kingdom member who witnessed the attack participated in a moment of prayer, with blessed oil smeared on their foreheads, hearts, and pulses. This act signifies deliverance from fear, anxiety, and trauma caused by the disturbing attack, and a re-commitment to the spiritual work of the Kingdom Nation.

Kingdom Ministers also wiped the areas clean, removing the shadows of violence and fear. The reconsecration took place at significant locations including the Jose Maria College, the ACQ College of Ministries, the Apollo Air Hangar, and the King Dome. This ceremony aims to ward off evil spirits and restore the spirit of love, joy, and peace.

Towards the end of the ceremony, Kingdom Citizens offered a special prayer for healing and restoration, asking for enlightenment for law enforcement officers to uphold freedom and safety for every Filipino.

Simultaneously, similar ceremonies of rededication and reconsecration are being held at the Covenant Mountain and Paradise Garden of Eden Restored, Glory Mountain in Tamayong, KOJC Compound in Kitbog, Sarangani Province, and the KOJC Full-Time Workers Retreat House at the Island Garden City of Samal.



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