KOJC Religious Compounds undergo reconsecration and rededication

KOJC Religious Compounds undergo reconsecration and rededication

A week after the violent raid by armed authorities on the religious compounds of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC), they underwent a reconsecration and rededication ceremony.

“We are standing on holy ground / We will stand our ground” song, KOJC missionary workers raising their hands to the Almighty Father.

For the entire Kingdom Nation, all the religious compounds of the KOJC are considered holy, sacred, and places of rest for the soul.

The headquarters of the KOJC is the main home for Kingdom Citizens.

That is why the simultaneous raids on June 10, 2024, were a profound desecration. Armed authorities forcibly stormed the sacred religious compounds at the KOJC headquarters in Davao City, Prayer and Glory Mountain in Calinan Davao City, QSands Baptismal Resort in Samal, and Kitbog in Sarangani Province, to serve an arrest warrant against Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

The authorities did not consider the affected KOJC missionary workers, nor the damage to and desecration of properties.

Sister Eleanor Cardona, Executive Secretary of KOJC, explained the importance of undergoing the reconsecration and rededication ceremony in the early hours of Monday in the areas desecrated by the armed authorities who did not consider the importance of these places for the Kingdom citizens.

“Because these compounds are holy, they are sacred. This is a holy place, this is our city of refuge. In fact, Davao City itself, the Central Headquarters is the capital of the Kingdom Nation, this is our New Jerusalem, this is a holy city. And what happened on June 10, the central headquarters, we saw how it was attacked. The Prayer Mountain, the Glory Mountain. How they brutalized the House of God. These places, the sacred places, are holy places where offerings of prayers, praise, and worship are being done,” stated Sister Eleanor Cardona, Executive Secretary, KOJC.

Here at the Central Compound, from the gates forcibly entered by PNP SAF in full battle gear, to the facilities of JMCFI, Bible School, Kingdome, and Hangar.

These holy and sacred places turned into a war zone when the authorities entered.

The reconsecration and rededication ceremony will drive out the evil spirits that desecrated the holy and sacred compounds of KOJC.

The ceremony will also free each KOJC missionary worker from the spirit of fear and anger brought by the violent assault of the authorities and restore the fruits of love, joy, and peace.

The reconsecration and rededication ceremony will serve as a new dawn and beginning for the Kingdom Nation to have a future filled with glory, honor, and blessings from the Almighty Father through the Appointed Son.

This is why the Kingdom of Jesus Christ offers a prayer for the men in uniform, asking for enlightenment amidst the current oppression in the nation.

They also pray for the country’s leaders to govern with righteousness, justice, and truth, for the healing of wounds, and for a return to God and fulfillment of their duties for the nation.



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