Kuwait Navy forms team to fight pirate attacks

Kuwait Navy forms team to fight pirate attacks

KUWAIT’S Ministries of Defense and Interior initiated the formation of a joint security force to protect the country’s territorial waters from pirate attacks.

The joint force was made to protect Kuwait’s economic waters amid increasing reports of piracy and looting against local fishing vessels.

The leaders of the naval force and the coast guard initiated its formation.

Equipped with boats and ships, the joint force vowed to work round the clock by conducting civil patrols and intelligence activities.

Any targets penetrating the country’s economic waters to carry out piracy and plundering operations will be dealt with firmly.

The latest pirate attack happened last week, which injured one fisherman.

Records of pirate attacks started as early as 694 BC, with Assyrian pirates attacking traders traversing to and from India via the Persian Gulf.

For years, Kuwait keeps on proposing strategies to protect marine sailing routes fight piracy, and combat armed assaults.

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