MECO: No Filipino casualties or injuries in 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan

MECO: No Filipino casualties or injuries in 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan

THE Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) breathed a sigh of relief upon receiving reports that no Filipinos in Taiwan were killed or injured in the 7.2 magnitude earthquake on Wednesday.

In a statement released, MECO Chairman Silvestre H. Bello III expressed gratitude for the report they received confirming the safety of overseas Filipino workers in the affected area.

According to him, this report is based on their monitoring in Taipei, from field offices in Taichung and Kaohsiung, as well as feedback from the Filipino community in Taiwan.

Bello also mentioned that many OFWs were terrified as huge buildings around them shook and the ground trembled.

MECO continues to pray for the safety of Filipinos in Taiwan.

DMW continues to monitor the situation of Filipinos after the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan

Meanwhile, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) is monitoring the situation of OFWs in Taiwan following the strong earthquake that shook the island before 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

According to the DMW, the three Migrant Workers Offices of the agency in Taiwan immediately activated protocols with Filipino communities, leaders, relevant Taiwanese government agencies, employers, and trade associations to ensure the safety and status of Taiwan-based OFWs.

The Taiwan MWOs are ready to provide immediate assistance to affected OFWs if necessary.

The DMW has also opened a Help Desk for OFWs in need of assistance following the earthquake in Taiwan.

The Help Desk will also respond to requests for information from the families of OFWs based in Taiwan who want to know the status and condition of their loved ones.

The 24/7 Help Desk and Hotline in the Philippines and Taiwan can be found on the screen:

Meanwhile, about 25 aftershocks were felt in Taipei, according to Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration.

Taiwan’s official Central News Agency said that earthquake was the strongest to hit the island in 25 years since 1999.


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