MNLF in Davao City, expresses full support for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy

MNLF in Davao City, expresses full support for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy

ALONGSIDE the celebration of the 56th Founding Anniversary of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) Davao City State Revolutionary Committee (MNLF-DCSRC), the organization expressed its support for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, known as an individual with great respect and one who acknowledges the beliefs of our Muslim countrymen.

“Exactly 56 years today, this is the commemoration of the Jabidah Massacre, so that’s why it is celebrated by the Moro National Liberation Front because during that time, around 23 Moro recruits were killed in the Jabidah Massacre, and that triggered the organization of activism among the Moro people. Therefore, resistance is necessary because during the time of Marcos Sr., the Moro National Liberation Front emerged. Every year, we celebrate,” said Rolando “Aziz Monk” Olamit, Secretary General for Political Mobilization & Current State Chairman MNLF, Davao City.

During the gathering, Atty. Emmanuel Fontanilla stated that as a lawyer, they do not see any trace of truth in the accusations thrown at Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy. He expressed grief over the use of the Senate to accuse innocent individuals.

“What we are not happy about is how the government is treating Pastor Apollo Quiboloy because every person in society has the right to due process. Now, I am wondering, like other senators, being a lawyer, what law Senator Hontiveros wants to implement. We cannot see anything that she can still improve with our laws on those things being allegedly accused to Pastor Quiboloy. As a lawyer, I cannot find anything,” said Atty. Emmanuel Fontanilla.

“Many senators are also in the same observation. And regarding the complainants, their cases have already been dismissed. However, as we’ve been saying, what Senator Hontiveros is doing is not an aid of legislation; it is an aid of humiliating or humiliation addressed to Pastor Quiboloy, which is very painful. We cannot understand why the Senate is being used to persecute somebody. Why not just go to court?” he added.

According to Olamit, the trial by publicity against Pastor Apollo is unjust and undeserved.

“As we’ve observed on YouTube, on social media, Pastor Quiboloy has been persecuted, it’s like there’s a public trial happening in the Senate. Why not bring it to the court? Take it to the court so Pastor Quiboloy can appear. Then we can see that it should have been in aid of legislation, but they’ve turned it into a court, they’ve become the judges. So, from our perspective, it seems biased because Pastor Quiboloy has many Muslim followers, and he recognizes and loves us. He loves us Muslims. So as Muslims, we also love him. We haven’t experienced this kind of oppression yet, but hopefully, this message will reach Pastor Apollo Quiboloy: we are here. We feel the oppression in your heart because we’ve experienced it ourselves,” expressed Olamit.

Because of this, our Muslim countrymen from the MNLF also expressed their readiness to fight for justice for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

 “For me, I really appreciate our first meeting; you convinced me as a true person. My take on this is, of course, you are a religious person, and only God can decide everything. We surrender to our God, but nevertheless, as our elders say, “I can never help you if you do not help yourself.” So, it’s like that. God cannot help you if you will not… So, we will be doing anything, as our chairman already said, we are in full support of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. And of course, as we surrender to our God, we are praying for his redemption, I think that’s the term, for his redemption and that he would be given justice,” said Atty. Fontanilla.

 “For Mr. Quiboloy, I want to convey to him to maintain his relationship with people because that’s where the beauty of a person comes from. When you improve or handle your interactions well, people will truly admire you and they will fight for you,” said General Bobong Makalinlang, Davao Peninsula Command, MNLF-Bangsamoro.

“What I can say to Pastor Quiboloy is that the whole Mindanao will support Him, we will unite for him, because he is a Pastor who is compassionate to all people.”

Specifically, we, including the Tausug, Muslims, Islam, Christians, and Lumads, should wholeheartedly support Pastor Quiboloy. Why is this necessary? Last year, Pastor provided aid for my husband in the mountains of Tamayong, even before this happened to Pastor. He extended help because he is really a good Pastor,” said Noralyn Habibon.

“My earnest message to Pastor Quiboloy is a prayer for Allah’s blessings upon him and a hope that his challenges in other regions, particularly in Luzon, will find resolution. We are prepared to stand in solidarity and fight alongside fellow Muslims. Although we may belong to different sectors within Islam, our common objective is to extend assistance without hesitation or treachery. As long as individuals exhibit goodness, we are committed to offering our support. Fear does not deter us; we, the Tausugs and Muslims, are resolute in upholding our rights and are prepared to defend them even at the cost of our lives. Especially now that they from other places are doing this to Pastor, it only strengthened our resolve to stand by him. This is our struggle, and this is where our support lies. Inshallah,” she also added.

In the end in one voice, their call to the current government is justice for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy and unity for the people.

“Yes, this is the Month of Ramadan, and we believe that God is with us, Allah is with us. I am very optimistic; it will be resolved, believe me. Our prayers are powerful, inshallah. It will come to an end. And then, I call on the government of BBM, please stop it. And to brother Martin Romualdez, stop it,” said Olamit.


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