NATO ‘considering’ supplying more fighter jets to Ukraine, but not F-16

NATO ‘considering’ supplying more fighter jets to Ukraine, but not F-16

NORTH Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) chief Jens Stoltenberg said that the military alliance was considering the possibility of supplying Ukraine with more fighter jets.

So far, some NATO member-states have supplied Ukraine with Soviet-designed warplanes.

When asked about Kyiv’s requests, Stoltenberg said that the allies have delivered, and pointed out that Poland and Slovakia have sent MiG-29s to the country.

As of the moment, the primary goal of NATO remains to be ensuring that Ukraine prevails against Russia.

However, Ukraine has been calling for F-16s and other modern aircraft in recent months to help it fight against Moscow.

But Ukraine’s request might not be granted anytime soon. Us President Joe Biden on January gave a hard “no” when asked if

His administration would provide said F-16 jets to Kyiv.

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