Please give us peace and stop the trouble affecting our dear Jose Maria College Foundation, Inc.—JMCFI student

Please give us peace and stop the trouble affecting our dear Jose Maria College Foundation, Inc.—JMCFI student

PLEASE give us peace and stop the trouble affecting our dear Jose Maria College Foundation, Inc.

I am a proud student of JMCFI who deeply values the school and the education I receive here. It is a place where I feel safe, welcomed, and motivated to learn.

The ongoing conflicts and disturbances are making us feel scared. It’s hard to focus on our studies and enjoy our time at school with so much fear around us. We just want to continue our education without any interruptions. We are just children who want to learn, play, and grow in a peaceful environment without fear or disruption.

Our school is like a second home to us, where we have formed friendships, created lasting memories, and achieved so much. We look forward to our recognition celebration as a moment to honor all our hard work and achievements throughout the year. This celebration is very special to us, and we want to enjoy it without any fear or interference. Please understand how important this is to us and allow us to continue our education in peace. Let us have our recognition celebration and our school days ahead without fear. We just want a chance to learn, grow, and be happy in our beloved school, Jose Maria College Foundation, Inc. – Integrated Basic Education.

Proud JMarian and always will be.


Editor’s Note: This article has been sourced from the Bryce Lebron Facebook Page.

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