Russian FM Sergei Lavrov starts diplomatic tour to Africa

Russian FM Sergei Lavrov starts diplomatic tour to Africa

RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited two African countries in one day as part of a working visit.

Lavrov arrived in Guinea on Monday, the 3rd of June where he was warmly welcomed by its interim president Mamady Doumbouya.

Moscow has helped the West African state strengthen its defense capabilities amid the growing threat of terrorism.

The Russian Foreign Minister and his delegation arrived in the Central African nation of Congo on the same day where he was greeted by Foreign Minister Jean-Claude Gakosso.

Lavrov is expected to visit Chad in Central Africa and Burkina Faso in West Africa in the coming days.

In July of last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin invited African leaders to a summit in Saint Petersburg where they agreed to fight neo-colonialism and promote a multipolar world order.

Russia also strengthened ties with several African nations since fighting with Ukraine started in February 2022.

Some African countries shifted their allegiance to Moscow amid growing discontent with traditional allies like France and the United States.


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