VP Sara Duterte: GSIS experience tops teachers’ problems

VP Sara Duterte: GSIS experience tops teachers’ problems

EVERY time Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte visits schools and talks to teachers, one of the problems they raise with her is the issue regarding the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).

According to Vice President Duterte, the customer experience at GSIS is at the forefront of problems reported to her by the teachers.

‘‘We visited schools. We had a dialogue with teachers and asked them about their positive and negative experiences at school. One of their negative experience is with GSIS,’’ VP Sara Duterte said.

Because of this, the Vice President submitted the grievances of the teachers to the said insurance company.

VP Sara Duterte hopes teachers’ customer experience at GSIS will improve

On Monday morning, DepEd and GSIS signed an agreement to improve the customer experience of teachers and DepEd personnel.

‘‘That’s what we hoped for. That is also the commitment of GSIS that they will find a way to improve the customer experience of our DepEd personnel with GSIS,’’ VP Duterte added.

Under the said agreement, the GSIS will assign a dedicated express lane for DepEd teachers and employees at the Central Office and all its branches nationwide.

More than 50% of GSIS members are teachers and DepEd employees.

The said insurance company will also look into having a dedicated option for teachers at the GSIS Contact Center Hotline.

GSIS will assign account officers who will visit schools and DepEd offices to respond to concerns.

There will be an annual dialogue between GSIS branches, DepEd Regional Offices, and Schools Division Offices.

Another product that will help teachers according to GSIS is the Multipurpose Loan Flex.

‘‘This time, a government employee not just our teachers, will have the opportunity to borrow at a lower interest rate of 6%.’’

‘‘We’ve extended the term structure to allow them to be able to pay longer up to 10 years so that it’s low and not heavy on the pockets of our teachers.’’

‘‘We raised it so you can borrow up to P5 million,’’ according to Wick Veloso, President, Government Service Insurance System.

DepEd, continuous steps are taken for the welfare of teachers

Apart from this, DepEd is doing something else for the welfare of teachers.

Vice President Duterte recently announced giving them a 30-day break after the school year.

DepEd is also drafting guidelines to reduce the administrative tasks assigned to teachers.


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