Iran, US successfully swaps prisoners, release $6-B funds

Iran, US successfully swaps prisoners, release $6-B funds

IN a rare diplomatic move, five Americans detained in Iran finally returned to the United States as part of a prisoners exchange deal between the two countries.

The United States has also released five Iranian detainees, with two finally returning to Iran while the other three prefer to stay in another country.

The prisoner exchange occurred after Washington transferred $6 billion in frozen Iranian oil money from South Korea to Qatar, with the oil-rich gulf state mediating the deal.

The prisoners could only board the airplane after Washington completed the cash transfer.

The Biden administration warned that the released Iranian funds will only be used for humanitarian purposes and will freeze them again if diverted.

Responding to Washington’s threat, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi insisted that the money belongs to the Iranian people and the Iranian government so the Islamic Republic can decide what to do with the released funds.


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