KOJC Legal Team discloses authorities’ wiretapping at religious compound

KOJC Legal Team discloses authorities’ wiretapping at religious compound

THE legal team of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) has revealed new information about the ongoing government harassment of them.

In the latest press conference held by KOJC on Thursday, August 1, Attorney Israelito Torreon disclosed that surveillance at the KOJC religious compound has intensified.

“We know that you’re placing listening devices here, recording all our conversations,” according to Attorney Israelito Torreon, Legal Counsel, KOJC.

Attorney Torreon stated that wiretapping is strictly prohibited by law, as well as the installation of listening devices, especially since a religious organization is the subject of the authorities.

“Sir, perhaps you should consult with your lawyers. You have plenty of lawyers in the PNP,” Atty. Torreon added.

The KOJC legal team reminded the police that those continuing deep surveillance are subject to legal consequences.

“Police officers following orders from your generals, let me inform you, that’s a crime. Under Republic Act 4200, it is illegal to record any private communication without the consent of all parties involved,” Torreon said.

The KOJC acknowledges that the police are merely following the chain of command. However, this does not exempt them from accountability.

“If you follow those orders, monitor conversations, record everything, that’s imprisonable. What if we catch you? Record you and file a case? That’s perpetual absolute disqualification and up to 6 years imprisonment,” he added.

KOJC will file the appropriate complaints against the police officers proven to be involved in illegal surveillance, especially since their lawyers hold evidence.

“There are other laws prohibiting such actions. So, if ordered by your generals, there are many ways. Think about it, so you can sleep well at night. Because if we catch you, get concrete evidence, you might be imprisoned and absolutely perpetually disqualified from holding public office,” he added.

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